Register: Create a New Crown Court DCS Account

Please fill in all the fields.

Account Information
Title (Mr, Mrs, ..)
Please ensure you have entered your correct email address. You will only be able to gain access to cases if you have entered your valid email address. You will need access to your email account to verify your account before you can access cases.

Password should be at least 7 characters.
Data Protection
Thomson Reuters (the owner of the Crown Court DCS facility) is committed to protecting your privacy. We will only use your information in accordance with the Crown Court DCS Privacy Policy and the Crown Court DCS Terms and Conditions.

From time to time we may contact you by email, post or phone with details of special offers and promotions about products and services of interest to you or to help us improve our service through customer research. You can opt out of receiving Crown Court DCS information by clicking the 'My Details' link and selecting 'Change' for 'Contact Preferences' when you are logged in.

Terms and Conditions of Use
To protect all our customers use of the Crown Court DCS sites and services are governed by the Terms and Conditions of Use.
I have read and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions above.